Air chute - pneumatic lifting pump ash system consists of air chute, pneumatic lift pump and vertical pipe, expansion tank, gas source equipment and other components. The air chute is a trough with a certain inclination angle and gasification function. With the help of gravity, the soot flows along the upper end of the trough to the lower end. During the flow, the soot reaches the fluidized state by the action of the gasified air, so that the soot (sliding friction) is minimized. Due to the low chute air chute, which consumes space height, it is not possible to carry long-haul materials under the specific conditions of bituminous coal plants. To the powder transported to dozens of meters high ash library roof, only to configure a lifting equipment. Pneumatic lifting pump is an ideal powder lifting equipment. The role of the air chute is to collect the dry ash together and enter the pneumatic lift pump. Pneumatic lift pump's role is to pump the body vertical dry ash to play a number of ten meters high transfer ash library: This system is suitable for dry ash in situ storage. When the need for long-distance transport, the bottom of the ash reservoir to install a warehouse-style pneumatic pump can be. Dry ash first through the air chute into the lift pump ash storage tank. Air chute points up and down the two parts of the tank, the middle with a breathable partition, usually with 6m thick five polyester filter cloth board. Installation slope I ≥ 6%. Dry ash enters the upper tank of the chute through the gray inlet, and air enters the lower tank of the chute through the air inlet. The air passing through the partition forms an air cushion at the bottom of the ash layer, so that the dry ash flows downward in the upper tank body. The air supplied to the chute of the air forms gasification air, and the amount of gasification air required is 2 m3 / (min.m2). Wind pressure 350nnnH20. The groove width B is determined based on the throughput G = 3600KsBhvs Ïs.
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