American universities develop ultra-thin chips

Recently, the research team at Stanford University in the United States has developed an ultra-thin chip that is only three atoms thick. Researchers say the chip can be put into mass production. At that time, transparent TV, curved mobile phones, glass displays, etc. will become a reality.

As early as 2004, the discovery of hexagonal structure graphene proved the existence of monoatomic layer materials. Since then, scientists have been working on the development of other similar materials. Earlier research found that molybdenum disulfide can effectively control the current as a switch, which is crucial for the function of the chip. This chip is made of molybdenum disulfide.

However, how to make chip-sized molybdenum disulfide crystals seems to be a major problem in the development process. This requires the use of chemical vapor deposition techniques to make thumb-sized crystals. The atom is incinerated and deposited as an ultra-thin microcrystalline layer on a "movable" substrate, which may be glass or silicon. At the same time, the circuit needs to be etched into the material during the chip fabrication process. Dr. Eric Pop, associate professor of electrical engineering and captain, said: "We need more efforts to make better and larger processing, but at least we have all the basic components."

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