Bearing service life is affected by two factors: internal and external factors

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Bearing service life is affected by two factors: internal and external factors

Source: China Bearing Network Time: 2018-07-24

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The service life of the bearing is long; it is subject to many factors; we can follow the characteristics of these factors affecting the bearing; it is divided into the bearing itself and the bearing application elements. The bearing itself is the raw material and production of the bearing; The application of the bearing is the device application and protection of the bearing.
1. The influence of the bearing's own elements on the service life is the length of the service life of the bearing; under normal conditions, it is affected by the two elements of raw materials and technology.
The raw material of the bearing largely determines the service life of the bearing; the metallurgical quality of the former bearing is the most important reason for the early failure of the rolling bearing. The influence of bearing raw materials on the service life; the metallurgical skills advance greatly; the bearing steel and other materials are continuously presented. After that; got a great improvement.
In the failure analysis of the bearing; the bearing failure share caused by the original data has been greatly reduced; but the data is still an important reason for bearing failure; it is the primary constraint factor of bearing service life.
The manufacturing process of the bearing is messy; the product must be obtained after several processes; the skills of casting, heat treatment, turning and grinding can be completed and the quality of the bearing can be affected; the service life and application of the bearing are affected; especially heat treatment and grinding Process; more is the direct cause of many bearing failures; demand is highly valued by the production company.
2. The influence of bearing application factors on the service life affects the external factors of the service life of the bearing; firstly, it refers to the application and protection of the bearing device. First of all; the bearing device should be reasonable; improper installation is the primary factor that causes the bearing failure. Bearing unreasonable force, abnormal operating conditions; will cause the bearing to quickly damage; severely shorten the bearing life.
The application and protection of the bearing is also an extremely important factor. In the application, the bearing's running condition is adhered to; the bearing's load, speed, working temperature and smooth condition are monitored; the bearing is repaired and protected at regular intervals; Repair; is a useful method to extend the service life of bearings.

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