Characteristics of insecticide phorate

Physical and chemical properties: pure product is a slightly odorous oily liquid. The solubility in water at room temperature is 50 mg / liter. It can be dissolved with drunk, cool, ether, four-synthesis carbon, xylene and so on. Decomposition failure in alkaline solution, the purity of industrial products is above 90%, it is a yellow oily liquid with strong malodor.

Toxicity : According to China's pesticide toxicity classification standard, phorate is a highly toxic pesticide. The acute IiLD of rats is 2-4 mg/kg.

Function characteristics : phorate is a highly toxic, high-efficiency, broad-spectrum systemic insecticidal and acaricide. It has contact, stomach and fumigation effects. When phorate is introduced into human plants, it is converted into more toxic oxides (sub-double, bismuth) by the metabolism of plants. The activity of choline acetate in the nervous tissues of insects after insect feeding is inhibited and destroyed. Normal nerve impulses lead to poisoning. Until death. More toxic oxides formed by phorate and its metabolites. It can be kept in plants for a long time (I 2 months, or even longer), so the efficacy period is long. Pay special attention to residual toxicity.

Phosphate is effective for sucking mouthparts and chewing mouthparts pests, such as mites, cockroaches, thrips, red spiders, leaf miners, pseudo-walking nails, weevil, jumping armor, building stations, Golden needles, insects, etc. It is less effective against Lepidoptera larvae.

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