Common pests and diseases of cauliflower and its prevention and treatment methods and medication guidelines

Cauliflower, also known as broccoli, is also known as broccoli and cauliflower. It is an important vegetable crop in China, and pests and diseases have become the main factors affecting the yield and quality of cauliflower. Let's talk about the common pests and diseases on the cauliflower and prevention measures.

cabbage butterfly

The cabbage butterfly is mainly larvae. The larva is also known as the cabbage larvae. The larvae bite the host leaves. Before the second instar, they only feed on the mesophyll, leaving a layer of transparent epidermis. After 3 years of age, they eat the leaf holes or nicks. In severe cases, the leaves are eaten. Light, only the residual veins and petioles remain, resulting in extinction, easily lead to the prevalence of soft rot of cabbage. The larvae can also be drilled into the leaves of the cabbage, not only in the leaf ball, but also in the heart of the leaf, the excreted feces also pollute the cabbage heart, causing the quality of the vegetables to deteriorate, causing decay and reducing the yield and quality of the vegetables.

The peak occurs: the year is the most serious in the spring and autumn

Control method:

Biological control : In the early stage of the young larvae, spraying the bacterium of Bacillus thuringiensis or the granule virus of the cabbage butterfly has a good control effect on the cabbage caterpillar. The spraying time is best in the evening.

Chemical control. Due to the serious overlap of the cabbage caterpillars, the larvae after the third instar increased their food intake and drug resistance. They should be sprayed before the larvae 2 years old and eliminated before the 3rd instar. Agents can be selected: emamectin, etofenproxil, avermectin, trichlorfon, etc.


The first-instar larvae of Plutella xylostella endangered the feeding of plant mesophyll, leaving the epidermis, forming transparent plaques on the leaves, forming leaf cavity; 3~4 instar larvae of Plutella xylostella can eat leaves and nicks, severe When the whole leaf is eaten into a net. In the crop seedling period, the central leaves are often damaged, which affects the heart. Plutella xylostella also harms young stems, young pods and kernels.

The peak period occurs : Plutella xylostella has two peaks in the whole year, the first time from mid-May to late June; the second time from late August to late October

Control method :

Physical control: black light traps adult

Sexual attractant trapping: Male moths can be trapped by living or crude extracts of female moths that are feathered on the day.

Biological control: Spraying with Bacillus thuringiensis preparations can be carried out with water. Protected natural enemies or released after artificial rearing to control the diamond moth.

Chemical control: chlorbenzuron, carbaryl salt, emamectin, trichlorfon, etc.

Aphid (Brassica oleracea)

Multiple generations occur in a year, and parthenogenetic reproduction can be carried out throughout the year in warm climates. Adults and larvae can suck young parts of crops, seriously affecting the growth of cruciferous crops such as cauliflower.

Physical control: Use aphids to have a strong tendency to yellow, and set a yellow sticky board in the field. It can also use the principle that aphids have a negative tendency to evade silver gray, and hang or cover the silver-gray film in the field.

Chemical control: imidacloprid, acetamiprid, matrine (Ya), lambda-cyhalothrin, buprofezin, nitenpyram, pymetrozine, etc.

Cabbageworm, Spodoptera litura

Can eat light mesophyll, leave only veins, and even peel the stem cortex. The larvae can migrate in groups, slightly disturbed by the earthquake, and have a suspended animation. After 3~4 years of age, during the day, it is hidden in the lower part of the plant or in the soil, and it is removed in the evening to take food.

There are 6 to 8 generations in a year, and there are many occurrences in July and August. There are more high-temperature and dry years, and they are often mixed with Plutella xylostella, which poses a great threat to leafy vegetables. In cabbage and cabbage, the leaf ball and heart leaf can be broken, and the feces can be excreted, causing pollution and decay, and losing the value of the commodity.

Physical control : trapping adult insects can use black light or sweet and sour pots to trap adults.

Chemical control : ethyl spinosyn, avidin (such as tiger), chlorantraniliprole, indoxacarb, etc.

Downy mildew

The leaves are most vulnerable to the old leaves, and the yellow spots with inconspicuous edges appear on the disease, gradually expanding. They are polygonal or irregular yellow-brown to dark brown lesions due to the veins, and there are dark brown spots on the leaf back lesions. It is more obvious and slightly protruding. When high humidity occurs, the back of the leaf produces a layer of white mold. In severe cases, the leaves are yellow and fall off

Prevention and treatment methods : In the early stage of the disease, spray treatment with mancozeb (Bonjiawei), ecrumol, enoylmorpholine, and famoxadone can be used, and sprayed once every 7 to 10 days, even for 2-3 times.

Soft rot

More in the late stage of flower ball formation, mainly harmful to the flower ball, can also harm the main stem and leaves. The diseased part was first infiltrated with translucent, then the diseased part turned brown, soft rot, stained white bacteria overflowing the pus, touched sticky and smelly.

Prevention and treatment methods : In the early stage of the disease, you can choose to use spring erythromycin, streptomycin sulfate, allicin (Jingshuang), copper hydroxide, etc. 7 to 10 days, and spray 2 to 3 times.

Black rot

In the seedling stage, the cotyledons are water-soaked, and then quickly die or spread to the true leaves. First, starting from the leaf margin, a "V"-shaped yellow (red) brown spot appears at the apex of the leaf margin. Gradually fill the entire leaf edge, the appearance of a circular arc-shaped yellow (red) brown belt.

Prevention and treatment methods : In the early stage of the disease, spray treatment with spring seromycin, copper, copper, copper hydroxide and streptomycin can be used, and the application is carried out once every 7-10 days, even 2 to 3 times.

Gray mold

It is common in winter and early spring greenhouses. Both seedling and adult stages occur. At the onset of seedling stage, the seedlings are water-soaked and rotted, and the gray mold layer is formed. In the adult stage, the diseased tissue is rapidly necrotic and rot. A "V" shaped or irregularly shaped necrotic spot is formed on the blade, and the gray mold layer is formed in the diseased part when the air is wet.

Control method: In the early stage of the disease, spray treatment with tebuconazole, procymidone, pyraclostrobin, prochloraz (Xiguang), and pyrimethanil can be used. For cultivation in the shed, you can choose smoke or dust to control.


In the early stage of the disease, there is a water-soaked brownish spot. The edge is not obvious, the diseased tissue is soft and rot, and there are white or gray-white cotton-like mycelium on the lesion, and the black rat fecal sclerotia is formed.

In the early stage of the disease, spray protection, focusing on the base of the stem of the plant, the old leaves and the ground, the agent can be sprayed with thiophanate-methyl and iprodione.

Finally, remind farmers that when selecting pesticides, when local pests and diseases have certain resistance to certain drugs, they must pay attention to the rotation of drugs. It is best to use agents with different mechanisms of action to avoid cross-resistance!

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