The high-concentration coking wastewater that meets the standard reuse or discharge is a major problem that is currently faced by domestic coking companies.
The advanced treatment process of coking wastewater developed by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is based on biological population regulation and reaction adsorption, was successfully applied in the treatment of coking plants in the treatment of 700 tons of coking plants in Wuhai, Wuhai, Inner Mongolia. With the total nitrogen concentration of 4500-5200 mg/L and 280-350 mg/L, the effluent index can meet the latest national discharge and reuse standards, and the cost of the ton water treatment is much lower than the current operating cost.
On June 20th, the Wuhai Environmental Protection Bureau organized the acceptance of the compliance reform project, and gave a high evaluation of the project's operation effect, and passed the non-dilution treatment of the coking wastewater to meet the acceptance standard.