Favorites! Liquid ring vacuum pump removal and assembly steps

Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps and Compressors are used to pump or compress air and other non-corrosive, water-insoluble, non-abrasive gases to create vacuum and pressure in a closed container. However, the inhalation of gas allows a small amount of liquid mixed with it and is widely used in the fields of machinery, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, sugar industry and electronics. Liquid ring vacuum pump due to the working process, the gas compression is isothermal, so in the compression and pumping flammable, explosive gas, less prone to danger. Therefore, the anti-corrosion liquid under the pump is more widely used. Liquid ring vacuum pump in the demolition should pay attention to what points? Xiaobian tell you today! Pump disassembly is divided into partial disassembly inspection and cleaning and complete removal of the repair and replacement parts, the pump should be demolished before the pump water from the drain hole . All shims should be carefully removed during disassembly, and new shims of the same thickness should be replaced during assembly if damaged. The pump should be disassembled from the end not equipped with a coupling, in the following order. Favorites! Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump Removal and Assembly Steps Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump Removal and Assembly Steps 1. Loosen and remove the bearing cap. 2, Loosen the rolling bearing, the first with a hook wrench to unscrew the round nut, remove the packing gland nut. 3, by the side of the left cover will release the bearing frame, while turning the two screws (square head end of the screw), the bearing and bearing frame removed from the shaft. 4, so that the side cover on the inlet pipe and pipe to disconnect and loosen the pump body and the side cover of the connection screws and pump feet outside the stud. 5, under the pump pad, and then the side cover and the pump away, remove the side cover from the shaft (side cover removed after the shaft should be supported live). 6, so that the pump and the other side cover away from the shaft removed. The pump part of the demolition so far, this time the working part of the pump and each part can be checked and cleaned, further disassembly should be continued in the following order. 7, remove the motor and the circuit connection, release the motor and the base connection, and separate from the pump. 8, using a wrench and other demolition tools, remove the shaft coupling. 9, remove the coupling shaft from the key. 10, remove the bearing cover. Remove the retaining ring or remove the nut to loosen the roller bearing. The above is a small series for you to introduce the liquid ring vacuum pump disassembly and assembly steps for your reference. (Editor: Li Juan QQ: 2355962925) Recommended reading: Acting procurement