Haochen CAD tutorial material statistics table generation for overhead lines

In the actual line engineering design, the first thing we need to do is to design the CAD drawing of the line, and then we need to generate the material statistics table of the whole project. Traditional statistics are manually reviewed and the workload is large. Especially for a large and cumbersome project, it not only consumes a lot of human resources, but also makes mistakes in statistics.

In fact, in addition to manual review, we have an easier way. In the following, we will introduce how to use Haochen CAD overhead line optimization design 2011 to perform rapid material statistics on the designed engineering drawings.

First, use the software to draw a project CAD drawing: we use the function of the walking path diagram to draw specific materials such as towers, pull wires, change platforms, household meters, wires, grounding, etc., and assign and mark them (Figure 1).

figure 1

Then, click on [Material Statistics] in the path diagram, then select the entire system diagram, and the software pops up a dialog box (Figure 2).

figure 2

It should be noted that, in the actual line engineering, the length of the wire should be left with a certain margin to ensure that the line material of the whole project is sufficient and does not affect the construction, so the software automatically sets the margin.

Finally, click [OK], the software can generate a detailed material table (Figure 3), which is convenient for us to view, exchange, print and other CAD drawings.

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