Laser coated polyethylene forming template

The polyethylene forming template is the last granulating mold on the polyethylene production line. The template was introduced from Japan in Japan and the price is about 30,000 US dollars. The service life is only about one year due to the wear and corrosion of the surface of the stencil under high temperature conditions. At present, there are many used templates in China. How to use these existing conditions to repair these scrapped templates is a common concern of the relevant parties.

Monkeypox Virus Test Kit

Human Monkeypox Virus (MPV) Antigen Rapid Test Device (colloidal gold) is an in vitro diagnostic test for the qualitative detection of human monkeypox virus antigens in Nasopharyngeal swab,saliva and exudate of blain using the rapid immunochromatographic method. The identification is based on the monoclonal antibodies specific for the human monkeypox virus antigen. It will provide information for clinical doctors to prescribe correct medications.

Monkey Virus Tests Kit

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Yong Yue Medical Technology(Kunshan) Co.,Ltd ,