Metal spot rises and falls unevenly

• Spot premiums provide an indicator of the potential status of regional base metal supply and demand. The results are generally closely related to the underlying metal prices. Spot premiums are determined by the delivery costs of metals in specific regions, metal grades, and tax rates. ,, Relative to a certain area must pay, but also depends on the degree of competition for a particular metal. If the metal supply is in excess, the spot premium will be pushed to the basic cost of obtaining the raw material to the destination. However, if the metal is in short supply in a specific area, the spot premium may be higher than the basic cost. In today's report we will focus on the trend of spot premiums in Europe, the US and Asia for major LME metals. The data shows that for different metals Obviously different, but it shows that the availability of spot aluminum is still tense, the degree of copper availability is surprisingly weak, nickel supply is still tense, and the availability of zinc varies from region to region, depending on location. Metal spot premium index (U.S., Europe, and Japan average) as inventory continues to decline It is not surprising that the spot premium for aluminum continues to remain stable. However, even if Asia’s exports have soared from late 2004 and until January, the spot premium has been well supported. Since stocks continue to decline this year, we expect the spot premium to remain stable in all regions. In contrast to the spot premiums for aluminum in all regions, the premium for spot copper has fallen since the beginning of the year. It is surprising that stocks are so low. It seems that consumers are resisting the high prices of current LMEs (and high futures premiums). ), leading consumers to clean up the inventory established in 2004. European demand has also been weaker than expected this year. Reports from Europe and North America stated that demand for copper pipes is shifting from copper to plastic because copper prices are too high. Spot premiums for copper in all regions Although the nickel market's supply tightness on the market is as tight as the LME's current price and inventory are suggesting, real cash premium still appears to be tight and true. Although from the European stainless steel Demand in the sector is poor and appears to be affected by strong demand in other regions, particularly from the alloys sector to aerospace and energy. Nickel spot premiums for zinc in all regions are higher than in recent months in all regions. Stable, although the realization of spot premiums in the United States has peaked in early 2004. In the past few months, the US spot premium plummeted, because steel manufacturers reduce their purchases, perhaps because of the demand for their products. Expected weakness, or because they want better buying opportunities? The situation is still unclear. Zinc's spot premiums for base metals in various regions have fallen again in March. After the performance of later inventory was different, the main base metals in March The inventory of reports continued to decline. Inventory of aluminum, copper, and zinc declined significantly in March, with lead and nickel inventories No change on the tin inventories rose each month report inventory changes Note:. LME, Comex, producer, consumer and trader ?? Source: China International Futures Brokerage Co.

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