Shortly after the drafting of the Energy Law was completed

Ren Dongming, director of the Renewable Energy Center of the National Development and Reform Commission’s Energy Research Institute, revealed on the 26th that related departments are making preparations and pilot studies for the introduction of the solar energy pricing policy. The Energy Law has been drafted and will be promulgated in the near future.

Ren Dongming made the above statement at the "7th SNAI-ASU Entrepreneur Summit Forum" sponsored by the Shanghai National Accounting Institute and Arizona State University.

On the same day, Deputy General Accountant Wang Xiangfu of China Power Investment Corporation told the Morning Post reporter that solar energy is very optimistic. “It is a pity that our country has not guided solar energy until now and there is no policy.”

According to Wang Xiangfu, two years ago, the cost of monocrystalline silicon solar panels used for solar power generation was about 50,000 yuan, and the current cost of research and development has dropped to 10,000 yuan. "If we reach such a level now, our country should promote it. However, solar energy has not yet been oriented and there is no policy.” Wang Xiangfu said.

As regards supporting policies, Wang Xiangfu stated that at present, there is no uniform support for the entire power grid configuration. “What happens after the wind does not generate power, including the use of natural gas and pumped-storage power systems, but our country has not studied these aspects.”

During the meeting, Guo Wei, executive deputy director of the China Development Bank Research Institute, said, "At present, the country's support for new energy, I feel that the first effort is not enough; the second is not yet wide." He said that the policy of subsidies for new energy is In 15 years, but the bank estimated that the new energy operation period is 25 to 30 years, so the subsidy period can not be fully covered, in addition, policy subsidies did not implement different treatment of different resources and different regions.

In addition, there are serious shortcomings in funding. "In terms of financial policy, we should open up more channels, such as asset value-added, for example, through the issuance of bonds, and whether or not bonds can be circulated through the channels of the Securities and Futures Commission." Wang Xiangfu said that coal-fired listed companies can only pass banks. Financing, because the net assets through capital ** gains more than 6%, but now more than 6% is impossible, because the coal-fired power companies are basically all losses, and because the net assets are not enough, not enough to issue bonds.

Ren Dongming also mentioned the “six major issues” including insufficient funds. He pointed out that the current policy on new energy is not perfect and the method of planning is not very scientific. In addition, the issue of operability and department coordination after the introduction of the policy also deserves attention.