Ammonium phosphate: Peach trees are hanged.
Methyl dichloride: Various fruit trees are hanged.
Dichlorvos: Stone fruit trees are disabled.
Dimethoate, Omethoate: Peach and pear are sensitive to liquids with a dilution ratio of less than 1500 times. Test before use to determine the safe use concentration.
Daofengsan: Sensitive to certain varieties of peach and grape, use caution.
螨克和克螨特: Pear tree is disabled.
Tian An and arsenic preparations: Certain varieties of stone fruits, citrus and pears are not available.
Glyphosate and paraquat: Both of these agents are killed herbicides and cannot be used in a variety of fruit trees. They are only used for directional spray weeding between fruit trees.
Stone sulfur mixture: It is easy to cause phytotoxicity to young tissues of grape, peach, pear and other fruit trees, and should be used with caution.
Bordeaux mixture: peach and plum are sensitive to it during the growing season. When the ratio of lime to copper sulfate in Bordeaux mixture is lower than the multiple amount, pear and persimmon are susceptible to phytotoxicity. When it is higher than the equivalent amount, the grape is Vulnerable to phytotoxicity.