Gloves can also prevent Parkinson's symptoms

Abstract: Parkinson's symptoms have been the most feared disease for many elderly people. It is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that affects the patient's ability to move. It often occurs in people older than the elderly. However, have you heard that gloves can also prevent Parkinson symptoms?

Recently, Spanish researchers have developed a smart glove that can relieve tremor in order to solve the problem of tremor in the arms of patients with Parkinson's disease, and have now entered the clinical trial stage.

According to a press release issued on the 15th of the "University Hospital on October 12th" in Madrid, this robotic skeletal glove controls tremor through an action control system, sensors and a set of electrodes. It can identify whether the trembling of the arm is normal activity or focal tremor, which effectively controls tremor.

The hospital has undergone clinical trials in 80 Parkinson’s patients aged 40 to 80 years. After wearing this special glove, doctors and patients noticed a significant reduction in tremors. The communique said that this kind of gloves provides a choice for patients with Parkinson's disease other than drugs and surgical treatment.

It is reported that 10% of the global population aged 59 to 89 suffer from varying degrees of Parkinson's disease, and 65% of them are seriously affected by daily life.

In addition to the Parkinson symptoms that are still in the development phase, surgery is now available to treat this condition.

Robot Stereotactic Technique

Robotic stereotactic surgery is minimally invasive, safe and reliable. It can quickly and accurately locate the location, size, volume, shape of the intracranial lesion, and the relationship with the surrounding brain tissue; it can quickly and accurately find the best surgical route; Rapidly damage, modulate, and repair intracranial lesions. Especially for patients with deep brain lesions, multiple lesions, and lesions located in important functional areas that are not suitable for craniotomy, as well as patients with advanced age who are unable to tolerate craniotomy, stereotactic surgery is irreplaceable with other techniques. .

Robotic brain stereotactic technology: It can replace the traditional directional instrument frame and establish a corresponding three-dimensional coordinate system by identifying the marker points attached to the patient's head, and can mark the target position and puncture trajectory. After the target is positioned, the power robotic arm can maintain a stable trajectory with a repeatability of 0.1 mm to ensure that the surgery is accurate.

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