Glufosinate: Introduction of excellent biocontrol herbicides

Glufosinate has the characteristics of high activity, good absorption, wide herbicidal spectrum, low toxicity and good environmental compatibility. It is another excellent herbicide after glyphosate and has become a non-selective herbicide in foreign countries. One of Sanxiong (glyphosate, paraquat, glufosinate).

As early as the mid-1970s, Hoechst synthesized glufosinate and found it to have strong herbicidal activity, which is almost effective in controlling various weeds, but it is not selective for crops. Glufosinate is a phosphonic acid derivative of L-glutamic acid which causes plant death by irreversible inhibition and destruction of the glutamine synthetase.

The characteristics and characteristics of glufosinate are as follows:

1. Weeding spectrum According to current data and data, many weeds are sensitive to glufosinate. These weeds include: goosegrass, bluegrass, sedge, berm, valerian, ryegrass, bentgrass, broken sedge, shaped sedge, crabgrass, wild licorice, fake stink grass, corn Grass, rough leaves, flowers, flying grass, wild leeks, looking Mai Niang, Alternanthera philoxeroides (revolution grass), luxuriant, small flying poncho, mother-in-law, purslane, four-armed grass, sable, snail , cellar, leeks, chicory, plantain, buttercup, gypsophila, senecio, etc.

2, the characteristics of the action of glufosinate after spraying for 6 hours without rain, in order to maximize its efficacy; in the field conditions, due to soil microbial degradation, the roots can not absorb or absorb very little, after stem and leaf treatment The leaves rapidly produce phytotoxicity, thereby limiting the conduction of glufosinate to the phloem and xylem. High temperature, high humidity and high light intensity enhance the absorption of glufosinate and significantly increase the activity. Adding 5% (W/V) ammonium sulfate to the spray solution can promote the absorption of glufosinate and effectively increase the activity of glufosinate under low temperature conditions. The sensitivity of a series of plants to glufosinate is related to the absorption of herbicides, so ammonium sulfate has a more pronounced effect on the weeds with low sensitivity.

3, environmental safety glufosinate is rapidly degraded by microorganisms in the soil, leaching in most soils no more than 15 cm, soil effective water affects its adsorption and degradation, and finally releases carbon dioxide. No residue was detected at the time of crop harvest and the half-life was 3 to 7 days. 32 days after stem and leaf treatment, about 10% to 20% of the compound and degradation products stayed in the soil until 295 days, and the residual level was close to zero. From environmental safety considerations, short half-life and poor mobility in the soil make glufosinate suitable for weeding in forests.

4. Other characteristics Because glufosinate has a wide spectrum of herbicides, rapid biodegradation in the environment and low toxicity to non-target organisms, it is of great significance to use it as a selective herbicide for crop field seedlings, and bioengineering technology is This provides the possibility. At present, glufosinate is second only to glyphosate in the research and promotion of transgenic herbicide-tolerant crops. Currently, glyphosate resistant to glufosinate has rapeseed, corn, soybean, cotton, sugar beet, rice, Barley, wheat, rye, potato, rice, etc. There is no doubt that glufosinate has a huge commercial market. According to the data, glufosinate can prevent and control the infection of rice sheath blight and reduce the colonies it produces. It has high activity against fungi causing sheath blight, sclerotinia and Pythium blight, and can be simultaneously controlled. Weed and fungal diseases of glufosinate-resistant transgenic crops. Spraying a normal amount of glufosinate in the glufosinate-resistant transgenic soybean field has a certain inhibitory effect on the soybean bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas, and can inhibit or delay the growth of the bacteria.

Led Grow Light With RJ

The indoor plant lamp in this category comes with RJ port, which allows them to be connected by controller, up to 100 at a time. Synchronous controlled, dimming or other functions. This kinds of smart grow light is especially suitable for commercial greenhouses. The Led Grow Light controller system usually comes with climate control, irrigation systems, and so on. This makes it easier for growers to take care of the plants by setting up automatic schedules for watering, fertilizing, and other activities, so that their plants can get the best care. It's a great choice to have the grow light with RJ port.

Smart Grow Light, Indoor Plant Lamp, Led Grow Light Controller, Led Grow Light with RJ

GuangDong One World High-tech Co., Ltd. ,