How to weigh the "pros and cons" of energy-saving lamp development

In the lighting industry, energy-saving lamps contain mercury, not even secrets. Even the largest domestic enterprises can't do without mercury-free energy-saving lamps, let alone thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises. All companies can do is reduce the mercury content and convert liquid mercury to solid mercury to reduce their volatile pollution during the production process. So far, China has no mandatory standards for mercury content in fluorescent lamps, resulting in the reality that the mercury content of lamps and lanterns varies greatly and is not subject to hard regulations.

Environmentalists have long expressed deep concern about the promotion of the China National Brand. Beijing Global Village has been devoted to promoting the harm of mercury pollution for 6 years. Project coordinator Jiang Chao admitted: "This is indeed a very difficult problem. Not to mention the mercury pollution problem of energy-saving lamps, even the huge medical mercury recycling process The doctor doesn't understand. "

According to Jiang Chao, five series of meetings of the National Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee will be held between 2010 and 2013 to reach the International Mercury Pollution Control Convention. But for the prospects, she expressed pessimism, "Like the Copenhagen Climate Conference just ended, this is also a game, full of many contradictions and conflicts of interest, and may not have any clear results." And the energy-saving lamp promotion project is also the first He was caught in a huge dispute about the trade-offs between pros and cons. Zhao Jianping, vice president of the China Academy of Building Research, emphasized in an interview with Southern Weekend reporters that energy-saving lamps contain mercury, but "everything has its pros and cons, this is not serious."

Hu Zhenghong, head of public relations at the Chinese Ministry of Lighting, who has repeatedly won the bid on the National Promotion Plan, also said, "This is a limitation of a generation of technology. At the time, the country's vigorous promotion of energy-saving lamps also weighed the advantages and disadvantages. The energy conservation awareness of the entire society is the best solution. "

Feng Xinbin, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, holds the same view. He has been engaged in research on harmful elements such as mercury in the environment. He suggested calmly calculating an account. China ’s current coal-fired power generation itself also has mercury emissions. The energy-saving lamps save electricity and reduce mercury emissions, which is much lower than the mercury emissions it brings. "Know each power plant One hundred tons of mercury will be emitted in one year! "

However, he also emphasized that although each energy-saving lamp contains a small amount of mercury, it still needs to solve the problem of recycling, because mercury is a global pollutant, it is transmitted through the atmosphere, and its mobility is very strong. The transformation is enriched in fish in the form of methylmercury, and eventually enters the human body through the food chain more easily.

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