Near-Earth Orbit Clean Satellite: Coup to forcibly kill space junk

At present, astronauts are paying close attention to the problem of "space garbage", and for this reason, they have gotten a lot of countermeasures.

For example, Japan's idea is to install laser weapons on the International Space Station (ISS), use telescopes to locate and locate space junk targets 100 kilometers away, and the laser device emits powerful pulses to shoot space debris into the Earth's atmosphere and eventually burn out.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has been testing "fishnet" fishing. Scientists used a compressed air jet to launch a fishing net and fire it at a satellite model. Each corner of these nets is weighted and entangled in the satellite when it is in a weightless state.

According to Tencent, the SwissCube satellite developed by the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne has been in orbit for five years. This is the first milestone in the Clean Space One project. Scientists deploy clean satellites in low Earth orbit. A conical probe pushes the orbital trash to change its original orbit and then falls into the Earth's atmosphere and burns like a Pac-Man.

The smaller the orbital garbage, the larger the reflection surface changes, and the darker and brighter parts reflect different sunlight, which can interfere with the establishment of the speed and distance relationship of the cleaning detector. In order to avoid this, the cleaning satellite adopts a new method to measure various parameters of the capture target, such as whether the debris rotates or not.

According to NASA estimates, in the earth orbit, about 500,000 space debris is floating, and the moving speed reaches 28,160 km/h. At such a high speed, even a small piece of paint can destroy other satellites and space equipment and spacecraft - even the International Space Station.

Microflow Peristaltic Pump

The Microflow Peristaltic Pump can adjustable the flow rate or speed while the pump is working. And can dispense in a forward or reverse direction, This type of peristaltic pumps also with calibration functions that ensure the high accuracy filling for the user.

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The Microflow Peristaltic Pump is suitable for micro-dose filling, And the pump can work with various tube sizes to meet different volume dosing.

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