Selection points of soybean herbicide varieties

Chemical weeding promotes the development of agricultural production. However, due to improper selection of herbicides , mechanical and technical problems, herbicides are seriously toxic, especially after the use of long-term residual herbicides in soybeans, the crops are prominent, the losses are serious, and the light is inhibited from growing. The reduction of production, the death of the dead, and the production of the crop have seriously threatened the adjustment of the agricultural planting structure and production safety.

(1) Put safety first

Herbicide selection should first consider safety. Herbicides have good safety to crops, good efficacy, high yield and good efficiency. Poor safety requires strict use techniques and conditions of use. Improved application techniques can also achieve good safety. And higher yields. Compared with safer herbicides, the yield of soybeans is 50kg/mu or more, and the yield is reduced by 25-30%. Soybeans are usually 200-250kg/mu, and the yield is 125-150kg/mu. In the low temperature and rainy years, the herbicides are aggravated, generally inhibiting growth, leaves dark green, twisted, or dried coke, or yellow, no hair roots, rotten roots, 10-20 days after the growth period, heavy growth point death, root Rotten, dead in pieces.

(2) Select herbicides and suitable mixed formulas according to weed species

Due to the use of herbicides for many years, the weed community has undergone dramatic changes, the number of weeds has decreased, and refractory weeds have increased. Soybean field, duck sedge, longan, thorn, big thorn, jing, leeks, ramie, cocklebur, reed, wild pheasant, etc., especially comfrey, thorny vegetables (big thorns ), chicory and so on become the dominant population in the main soybean producing area, accounting for more than 90% of the total weeds, serious damage, difficult to control, commonly known as "three dishes", common duck valerian as many as more than 1,000 plants / m2.

(3) Select herbicides according to soil texture, organic matter content, pH value and natural conditions.

(4) The choice of herbicide must also choose a good spraying machine, with good application techniques.

Differential Pressure Sensor

Gamicos, aims to provide customers more options when they want to buy a product to measure object's pressure. Differential Pressure Sensor, also called differential transmitter or differential transducer, is used to measure the difference between two pressures, It can be used to measure the differential pressure of different medium like water, air, oil, gas, etc. The working principle of the differential pressure sensor is that the measured pressure directly acts on the diaphragm of the sensor, so that the diaphragm produces a small displacement proportional to the water pressure, so that the resistance value of the sensor changes, and the electronic circuit is used to detect this change, and convert the output of a standard measurement signal corresponding to the pressure.

Differential Pressure Sensor, Differential Pressure Level Sensor, differential air pressure sensor; differential pressure transmitter

Xi'an Gavin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd ,