Technology is a double-edged sword that can cut axe pests and pests, and also owes health debt.
Today's food production fields already cover cutting-edge technologies such as molecular technology, genetic engineering, and cloning technology, and use DNA and RNA levels to improve the food on our plates. However, the food safety behind it must also be taken into account when new technologies are applied.
Magic corn
Corn was originally planted as an important food crop and was planted all over the world. In recent years, this hybrid originated from Indian plantations has become more delicious and more productive through hybrid maize breeding. Among them, the emergence of high-fructose corn plants has become the greatest contribution of science and technology to this food. Cook corn to eat, you will find that the corn is full, taste more savory, sweeter, and protein content is also 200% higher than 30 years ago. By preventing pests and diseases, U.S. corn production surpasses wheat significantly, and farmers enjoy government subsidies. Corn has become a cash crop in the world. We will decompose and reconstitute the starch-rich nuclei of corn kernels to make maltotriax, diglycerol, xanthan gum and vitamin C. The extracted fructose and maltose are used to make each of them. A variety of food sweeteners, with more than 90% of processed meat products containing corn or soy products as additives. Corn is still a cheap, universal feed. We teach chickens, pigs, cattle and even fish to feed on corn. Cheaper corn can make livestock eat and meat prices can be reduced.
Such a perfect food hides a greater crisis behind it. The cow was originally a herbivore and never eaten corn. Eating corn allowed the cow's rumen (the first of four bovine stomachs) to grow bacteria very easily. According to relevant reports, the consumption of corn will increase the bacterial population of acid-fast E. coli in the rumen and spread it during slaughtering, processing and transportation. In 1998 and 2001, the United States had a nationwide recall of ground beef by a food company.
Sugar free wins sugar?
Sugar-free foods generally refer to sweet foods that do not contain sucrose, glucose, maltose, fructose, and the like, and sugar alcohols (including xylitol, sorbitol, maltitol, and mannitol) are used as sweet substitutes. In our country, the requirement of “no sugar†means that the amount of sugar per 100 g or 100 ml in solid or liquid food is not higher than 0.5 g. The concept of sugar free originally originated in the late 40s of the last century. After the Second World War, countries in the world fell into food shortages to varying degrees. In order to make up for the lack of sugar production, chemists have found a sweetener in oil that can replace sucrose, saccharin. Although its sweetness is 700 times higher than that of sucrose, it was later discovered that saccharin does not decompose when it enters the body and it may cause cancer during the year. At present, sugar-free foods use newly synthesized sweeteners. Even doctors recommend diabetics or obese people to eat sugar-free foods to control blood sugar and relieve obesity. However, cyclamate and aspartame were successively exploded to cause cancerous teratogenic effects, and acesulfame inhibited the sudden increase in blood glucose levels in the case of massive intake. Our advice is to limit the total amount of ingested food if you want to eat unsweetened food, and to carefully check the ingredients list, preferring products containing oligosaccharides and sugar alcohols. Try not to buy sugar sugar that can be added at will instead of white sugar, remove the price factor (a sugar substitute price is 40 times that of ordinary white sugar), and abuse of sugar substitutes may cause greater harm to the body.
Genetic food: turn or not?
There was a crazy picture on the Internet. A picture of a four-legged broiler chicken was accompanied by a picture of "a fast food company using genetically engineered species." The truth of the clarification is that this is just a genetically modified hen in a chicken farm. From the genetic point of view, if you really use gene technology to grow four legs in a hen, the dominant change cannot be passed on to the next generation.
In fact, popular genetic engineering can change the specific properties and flavors of foods to make them taste better, and some can extend the natural shelf life. In the US supermarkets, about 78% of foods contain genetically modified raw materials. There are also many crops that have been optimized through genetic improvement. The most mature technology is genetically modified soybeans. In order to produce soybeans with higher protein content, scientists used cutting RNA, reverse transcription and other means to copy the gene fragments expressing the desired protein to the genetic material of soybeans. The resulting transgenic soybeans can increase protein content by more than 30%.
However, abandoning the breeding habits of thousands of years and turning to genetically engineered “cut†genetic material, some are not stable. Once ingested by the human body and integrated into its own genetic sequence, it is likely to cause “ These are unprecedented changes. Monsanto is a chemical company with a strong influence in the world. They both produce the insecticide DDT and also developed the defoliant used in the Vietnam War. They invented a herbicide called Roundup that kills most of the herbs, including soybeans. A genetically modified soybean is resistant to Roundup. When Roundup is sprayed on the soybean field, other weeds are killed and only the modified soybean is spared. However, it is this GM soybean that was recently exposed by the U.S. medical institutions that it is likely to cause "obstruction" to sperm formation, leading to a decrease in human reproductive function.
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