China's electric power industry will continue to rise steadily

Electricity price reform is a move that triggers interest. The purpose of the reform is to limit the scope of government pricing to the price of transmission and distribution, and leave the pricing of on-grid tariffs and sales tariffs to the market.

In the first quarter, China’s total electricity consumption in the entire society reached 1,288.8 billion kWh, a year-on-year increase of 5.4%. Since the third quarter of last year, the growth rate of electricity consumption in the entire society has experienced a drop in two quarters. However, in March, the total social power consumption was 454.4 billion kWh, an increase of 7.2% year-on-year, which was a significant increase from the 4.5% increase in January-February.

Due to the complicated situation at home and abroad, the downward pressure on the macro economy still exists. At the same time, the national environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction situation is severe, and the demand for electricity in high-energy-consuming and high-polluting industries is not optimistic. Therefore, the electricity consumption in the second quarter is expected to be light, but taking into account the lower base year-on-year, the growth rate of electricity consumption is expected to rebound slightly. .

From the perspective of profitability, from January to February, the total profit of the power industry in the industry totaled 36.7 billion yuan, an increase of 24% year-on-year, of which, thermal power profit increased by 38%, which is the main sector that promotes the profit growth of the power industry. Under the influence of many factors such as slower economic growth, clean energy alternatives, coal production capacity release, and imported coal impacts, coal prices are still falling. Qinhuangdao 5,500 kcal raw coal fell by about 15% year-on-year, resulting in a significant reduction in fuel costs for the thermal power industry. Thermal power industry profits have increased significantly.

In general, with the steady macroeconomic stability, the power industry's economy will steadily rise slightly. This has also created a favorable external environment for the power industry to comprehensively deepen reforms.

According to the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, there are two main tasks for the future reform and development of the power industry. First, the development of cleanliness, promote the steady increase in the proportion of clean energy, and accelerate the clean utilization of thermal power generation. It is estimated that by 2015, the proportion of clean energy installed in China will increase to more than 35%.

The second is to accelerate market-oriented reforms. Since the beginning of this year, some provinces have successively launched large-scale direct-purchasing electricity pilots to promote the reform of electricity pricing mechanism. The on-grid tariffs are determined by the competition in the power generation market or bilateral contracts between the power generation enterprises and large users. The government controls are applied to the transmission and distribution prices to directly reflect the efficiency of the grid enterprises. The independent transmission and distribution prices. The reform of electricity prices is a tough battle for the reform of the electric power system, and it is also a move that triggers interest. The purpose of the reform is to limit the scope of government pricing to the transmission and distribution prices, and to put the on-grid price and the sales price into competition. The government ensures that any power producer or power purchaser can access the transmission and distribution network on non-discriminatory terms. At the same time, it can improve the efficiency of power grid operation, reduce the cost of electricity transmission, and foster an effective competitive market with sufficient transmission capacity.

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