Lime term

Standard Name: Lime Term Standard Type: People's Republic of China Building Materials Industry Standard Number: JC/T619-1996
Standard text:
1 Scope

This standard specifies lime terms.

This standard applies to lime production, use, research, design, teaching, writing and translation.

2. Reference standards

GB5947 cement definition and terminology
JC/T478 Building Lime Test Method
JC/T479 construction quicklime
JC/T480 construction lime powder
JC/T481 building lime powder

3. Basic terms

3.1 Lime lime

The chemical composition and physical form of lime, slaked lime, hydraulic lime and gas hard lime collectively.

Lime can be divided into high calcium, magnesium and dolomite.

3.2 Limestone (limestone)lime:totae

A sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium carbonate.

3.3 Dolomite (Dolomites) dolomite

Deposition rocks composed of double salts of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate.

3.4 Limewater limewater or whicewash

Used for the mixing of lime water or hydrated lime water and other materials in the stucco layer.

3.5 lime (lime milk) lime white or milko flime

A suspension of quicklime or slaked lime in water.

3.6 Lime cream lime putey

Digest the quicklime with water or paste hydrated lime and water to a paste with a certain consistency.

3.7 Lime mortar

Construction mortar made of lime paste or hydrated lime fine aggregate and water.

3.8 lime rosin (calcium resinate) calcittm resinate

It is obtained by boiling rosin and calcium hydroxide by filtration or melting rosin and slaked lime. It is mainly used for waterproofing.

Leather tanning, paint desiccants and enamels.

4. Raw materials

4.1 Lime material

Lime, limestone, mollusk carapace, marl and energy neutralization with different chemical composition and physical form

The generic name for the minerals of the acid calcium and magnesium compounds.

4.2 High calcium limestone high-calcium limestone

Limestone containing 0% to 5% magnesium carbonate.

4.3 Magnesium Limestone Magnesium Limestone

Limestone containing 5% to 35% magnesium carbonate.

4.4 Dolomite limestone

Limestone containing 35% to 40% magnesium carbonate.

4.5 marl marl

Carbonate and clay mixed carbonates typically contain 50% to 75% calcium carbonate and 50% to 25% clay minerals. ?

4.6 argillaceous limestone

Is a transitional type of rock between limestone and claystone, with calcite content of 75%-95%; clay minerals

Limestone with a content of 25% to 5%.

4.7 Biolime limestone

Limestone formed by the remains of living organisms, debris, or debris or reef-building organisms.

4.8 Chalk chalk

Mainly consists of sea creatures such as shells, foraminifera and other organisms with small particles (φ0.0005-0.lmm)

A biochemical sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate.

5. Classification

5.1 quicklime quicklime

A raw material containing calcium carbonate as a main component is calcined at a temperature lower than the sintering temperature.

5.2 lime quick lime

Quick lime milled product.

5.3 hydrated lime

Lime is used as a raw material to digest the resulting kisses.

5.4 lime powder ground hydrated lime?

The product of slaked lime subjected to air separation, screening or grinding.

5.5Calcium lime calcium quick lime

Magnesia containing no more than 5% magnesium oxide.

5.6 Calcium hydrated lime

Magnesium oxide content is not more than 4% of lime powder.

5.7 Magnesium Quicklime magnesium quick lime

Magnesia containing more than 5% lime.

5.8 Magnesium hydrated lime

Magnesium oxide content greater than 4%, less than 24% of lime powder.

5.9 Dolomite hydrated lime

Magnesium oxide content of more than 24%, less than 30% of lime powder.

5.10 Air-hardetaittg lime

Can harden lime in the air.

5.11 hydraulic lime hydraulic lime

Lime that hardens in the air and maintains and continues to develop strength in water.

5.12 Monohydrated lime

Hydrated at atmospheric pressure, its unhydrated oxides are more than 8% dolomite hydrated lime

5.13 Double hydrating lime dihydrated double lime

Hydrated at high pressure, its unhydrated oxide is less than 8% dolomite hydrated lime.

5.14 Agricultural lime agriculeural lime

The calcium and magnesium contents neutralize the acidic lime or slaked lime in the soil.

5.15 Lime buildittg or construccion lime for construction

Its chemical and physical properties and processing methods can be applied to lime for general and special construction purposes.

5.16 veneer with quicklime

Suitable for use as quicklime for mortar finishes.

5.17 Finishing with lime

Suitable for use as a slaked lime for decorative mortar.

5.18 Lime masons quicklime for masonry

Suitable for masonry mortar.

5.19 Spray ash pray lime

More than 95% of the particles can pass through the 45μm square hole sieve slaked lime powder.

5.20 chemical lime

Chemical and physical properties and processing methods can be suitable for use in one or more different chemical and other industrial products

Lime or slaked lime.

5.21 Fuxing lime fluxing lime

Quicklime used as a flux in steelmaking or glass production.

5.22 refractory lime relractory lime

Lime that is resistant to high temperatures (usually dolomite) does not or very little convert to hydroxides.

6 production process

6.1 Low-temperature burnt lime

It is better to calcine at temperatures below 1000°C. There is no obvious undecomposed stone core and a small amount of undigested lime.

6.2 Positive Pressure Burning with Positive Fluid Burning

A calcining method in which air is blown into the lower part of the lime kiln and the gas pressure at the top of the kiln is higher than atmospheric pressure.

6.3 negative pressure calcination

The method of calcining the gas pressure at the top of the lime kiln below the atmospheric pressure by means of mechanical draft or natural draft of the chimney.

6.4 shaft kiln verticnl kiln

A vertical kiln type that continuously produces lime.

6.5 Rotary kiln roeary kiln

The kiln body can be rotated at a low speed to produce a horizontal kiln type that continuously produces lime.

6.6 Burning lime (normalizing lime) normally burnt lime

Calcined normal lime, calcined at a temperature below the sintering temperature, completely decomposed lime.

6.7 burnt lime (burnt lime) overburnt lime

Calcined lime produced when the calcination temperature exceeds the sintering temperature or the calcination time is too long.

6.8 raw burned lime (underfired lime) underburnt, lime

The calcination temperature is low or the calcination time is insufficient, and there is no burnt lime.

6.9 digestion hydration or slaking

The chemical reaction of the raw ash and water to produce hydroxide.

6.10 Weathering aerntion
During the storage of lime, chemical reactions occur with moisture and carbon dioxide in the air.

6.11 stone core unburnt core in lime

There is no fired, undecomposed hard core (carbonate mineral) in lime.

6.12 lime glaze lime glaze

Burned lime has a gray, smooth glaze on the surface.

7 Performance

7.1 Free calcium oxide free calcium oxide

Calcium oxide, which is present alone by thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate, is represented by fCaO.

7.2 Active calcium oxide active calcium oxide

Under normal conditions, lime dissolves and free calcium oxide, which can combine with hydration to produce calcium hydroxide, is represented by ACaO.

7.3 Inactive calcium oxide non-active calcium oxide

Lime digestion under normal conditions does not combine with hydration to produce calcium oxide free calcium oxide.

7.4 The standard consistency of lime paste

The amount of water required to achieve a certain degree of plasticity in lime paste, measured by standard methods, to the mass ratio of water requirement

(%) indicates.

7.5 fineness fineness

The thickness of the powdered material.

7.6 余余 RESIDUE on sieve

The representation of fineness of powdered material. After a certain amount of powdered material is sieved on a standard sieve, it remains on the upper part of the sieve

The mass ratio (%).

7.7 Standard sieve

The standard size sieve used for measuring the fineness of the powdered material.

7.8 The soundness of lime

The stability of the volume change of lime paste during the setting and hardening process.

7.9 lime residue wastein lime

The part of lime that chemically reacts with water when it is digested. Including uncalcined limestone and dolomite,

Over burnt lime or coarse grain impurities, or mixtures of these substances.

7.10 Lime undigested residue unhydrated grain ittquicklime

Quicklime reacts with a sufficient amount of water within a specified time, and the unhydrated particles are larger than 5mm.

7.11 Yield of lime

The volume of lime slurry precipitated by lime with a sufficient amount of water within a specified time, in L/kg


7.12 residual carbon dioxide in carbon dioxide dioxitde in lime

Lime contains carbon dioxide in undecomposed carbonates.

7.13 Lime hydration water hydraxion water in quick lime

In the process of lime digestion, the amount of combined water when hydroxide is formed.

7.14 free water in hydrated lime

The moisture content in hydrated lime is expressed in mass fraction (%).

7.15 digestion rate: slaking rate

An indicator that reflects the rate of hydration of quicklime, usually using lime to add a certain amount of water to release heat, reaching the maximum

The time required for high temperatures is expressed.

7.16 digestion temperature

Lime is expressed as the highest temperature reached by adding a certain amount of water for digestion.

7.17 Lime activity availability of lime

An indicator that characterizes the rate of hydration of the quicklime, that is, produced during the digestion of neutralized lime

The number of milliliters of 4 mol/L** consumed by Ca(OH)2 is expressed.

7.18 Hydration heat hydratiota heat of lime

The amount of heat released from the quicklime during hydration depends mainly on the amount of active nitrite.

7.19 water retention of hydrated lime

Sludge Lime retains the ability of free water to not segregate and mix consistency in sand-mixed plastic mortar.

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