Multi-stage pump seal and viscosity introduction

Multi-stage pump seal and the introduction of viscosity No leakage is the eternal pursuit of chemical equipment, it is this requirement contributed to the growing application of multi-stage pump. However, there is still a long way to go without leakage, for example, the life span of multistage pump isolation sleeves, the material pitting problem, the reliability of static sealing, and the like. Now some of the basic aspects of sealing brief introduction is as follows: First, the sealed form For the static seal, usually only two forms of seals and seals, and O-ring seal again the most widely used; multi-stage pump mechanical seal There are single and double face, balanced and unbalanced type, balanced type for high pressure medium seal (usually refers to pressure greater than 1.0MPa), double-end machine seal is mainly used for high temperature, easy crystallization, viscosity, containing Particles and toxic volatile medium, double-ended machine seal should be injected into the sealed chamber isolation fluid, the pressure is generally higher than the medium pressure .07 ~ 0.1MPa. Second, the multi-stage sealing material mechanical seal ring static and dynamic ring material configuration is more critical, not cemented carbide on the best cemented carbide, the high price is on the one hand, the difference between the two hardness is not reasonable, so the best according to Media characteristics of different treatment. Multi-Stage Pump Viscosity Issues The viscosity of a medium has a large effect on the performance of a multi-stage pump. As the viscosity increases, the head curve of the multi-stage pump decreases and the head and flow rate for the best case decreases. As a result, the efficiency is reduced. General parameters on the sample are the performance of the transport of water, when the transport of viscous media should be converted (different viscosity correction factor can be found in the relevant conversion chart). For the viscosity of the pulp, paste and viscous fluid delivery, it is recommended not to use multi-stage pump.

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