Representative Wang Ping: As soon as possible to form a large-scale southern ion rare earth enterprise group

The representative of the National People's Government, Vice Mayor of Ganzhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Wang Ping, on the 6th when the Jiangxi delegation delibrated the “Government Work Report,” suggested that a large southern ionized rare earth enterprise group be established as soon as possible through mergers and reorganizations.

He said that Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, is focusing on building a new industrial base including rare earth permanent magnetic materials and permanent magnet motor industry bases.

China's ionic rare earth resources have unique advantages in the world. Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province is one of the major origins of ion-type rare earths, especially ion-type medium-heavy-earth rare earths. Its mining targets and production accounts for about 70% of the country's medium- and heavy-earth rare earths, which occupies an important position in the world.

The Ministry of Land and Resources recently decided to set up a rare earth mining national planning mining area in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, with a total area of ​​more than 2,500 square kilometers.

Due to the mining and processing of rare earths, great environmental costs are required. Wang Ping said that Ganzhou will start the comprehensive management of the geological environment of abandoned rare earth mines and plans to fully recover abandoned mines that have been mined in rare earths within two to three years.

Waterproof System

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