Design of Remote Intrusion Monitoring and Alarming System Based on ARM and GPRS

Abstract: In order to realize the requirements of remote intrusion monitoring and alarming, an infrared intrusion detection monitoring and alarming system based on MMS function is designed. The system fully combines infrared technology, MMS technology and wireless communication technology to realize the intrusion of monitoring field acquisition. The picture is sent to the user's mobile phone in the form of MMS via the GPRS network, so that the user can control the situation in the home in real time.

With the continuous development of electronic and communication technologies, single-chip microcomputers have been widely used in data compression and acquisition, electronic equipment, industrial control, and various household electrical appliances. Wireless communication is less expensive, simple to maintain, convenient and fast. And the advantage of real-time and strong, fully compensated for the shortcomings of wired communication, especially the GPRS network that has covered the whole country has been widely used.

At the same time, wireless alarm systems are becoming more and more popular. The wireless monitoring and alarm system does not require personnel to be present. It combines single-chip technology, communication technology, network technology and computer technology to establish communication relationships through certain network devices, with high reliability. It integrates software and hardware into one, which is a system that automatically and accurately collects and transmits the equipment to be monitored within the scope of monitoring.

It can be seen that it is necessary to design an intelligent intrusion monitoring and alarming system with low price and suitable for household use and stable and reliable working performance. Through this system, the alarm information data is automatically sent to the situation such as burglary in the home, and the user is notified in time for processing and resolution.

1 System functional requirements analysis

This topic is mainly for the small-scale civil monitoring and alarm facilities designed for homes, offices and other places with convenient installation and low cost. The goal of this design is to realize the detection of intrusion signals and the collection of in-situ intrusion images through the wireless communication network to achieve the purpose of remote monitoring. The application diagram of the system is shown in Figure 1. The monitoring terminal is generally installed in a relatively hidden part of the room, and the human intrusion detection module should be aligned with a door or a window.

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the application of the system

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the application of the system

2 system workflow

When an intruder breaks into the monitoring range of the pyroelectric infrared detector, the infrared sensor immediately sends an alarm signal to the main controller. After receiving the alarm, the main controller confirms the information, and after confirming the error, the image is collected. The device initializes and captures the intruding image, and then transmits the image data information to the user's mobile phone through the GPRS module in the form of sending a multimedia message. If the user wants to actively check the situation at home, he can send a short message to the alarm system. After receiving the information, the GPRS module transmits the signal to the monitoring system through the program, and then repeats the above process, thus completing the function of active inquiry. Make users aware of the situation at home. The overall working process of the system is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 System overall work process diagram

Figure 2 System overall work process diagram

3 system hardware design

The hardware of the whole system is mainly composed of main controller, CMOS image acquisition module pyroelectric infrared sensor and signal amplification circuit, GPRS module, relay circuit, power supply and reset circuit. The overall structure of the system is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 overall structure of the system

Figure 3 overall structure of the system

The monitoring system takes the microprocessor as the core and ensures the stable and orderly operation of the system by controlling and coordinating the normal operation of each module. This system selects STM32F103 series processor chip of ST company based on ARM Cortex-M3 core with low power consumption, reasonable price, small size and high reliability as the main control unit of the system. The STM32F103 family of chips uses ARM's newest, state-of-the-art Cortex-M3 core, a Harvard architecture separated by instruction and data bus, and can read or store data while fetching, 16-bit and 32-bit mixable Thumb-2 instructions. Set, with high code density, can reduce the memory requirements, 3-stage pipeline, internal integrated real-time clock function to meet the time interception requirements of this topic, built-in fast interrupt controller, providing superior real-time performance, and The ARM7TDMI can run up to 35% faster and save up to 45% of code.

The system uses a pyroelectric infrared sensor LHi778 to detect the infrared radiation generated by the intruder's body and convert it into an electrical signal output, thereby triggering the camera to take a live photo and transmit it to the user's mobile phone terminal.

The GXT-M201 serial camera module is used to complete the acquisition and compression of the live image. GXT-M201 is an image acquisition module that combines video capture and image compression. It controls image capture and acquisition through simple serial port commands, and completes JPEG compression of captured images. Then output through the serial port.

With the TR800GPRS module of IWOW, the receiving rate and transmission rate of the TR800 can ensure stable and reliable data, fax, voice transmission and short message service. TR800's ultra-low power consumption ensures that it works properly with battery. It has a standard AT command set interface, is compatible with the ESTI GSM Phase2+ standard, supports text and PDU format SMS transmission, and supports Group3 (Class2.0). The fax function and voice function of the protocol. The download speed of TR800 is up to 85.6 kbps, and the TCP/IP protocol stack, WAP protocol stack and MMS (MMS) protocol stack are embedded inside.

4 system software analysis

The program of this system is mainly the single chip control program. The main function is to cooperate with the hardware function of the system to ensure the stable and reliable operation of the whole system and meet the requirements that the design must meet. The system monitoring function of the monitoring terminal is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Software structure of the system

Table 1 Software structure of the system

4. 1 image acquisition module communication protocol

The software of the camera module mainly consists of two parts, namely the camera initialization subroutine and the camera photo subroutine. The protocol used for camera communication is the UART serial protocol. The microcontroller transmits a single instruction of 6 bytes each time. The header of the instruction is 0xAA. When the camera module communicates with the microcontroller, the communication method is the response mode. .

4.2 User Terminal Request Protocol

If the user wants to take the initiative to understand the security situation at home, he can send a short message command to the GPRS module through the mobile phone, enter the serial port receiving interrupt entry, the microcontroller triggers the camera to take a photo of the scene, and then the GPRS module transmits the message in the form of a multimedia message.

Figure 4 User request photo software structure

Figure 4 User request photo software structure

4.3 GPRS module software analysis

The GPRS module TR800 and the microcontroller STM32F103 communicate with each other through the USART2 serial port. Through the serial port, the TR800 can be controlled by standard AT commands to complete the wireless transmission of data. The GPRS module TR800 embeds the MMS protocol stack to support the sending and receiving of MMS. The AT command is used to control the module operation through the serial port. Some commands are:

4.4 Infrared sensing program

The infrared detection I/O port interruption of the microprocessor STM32F103 proves that there is a person breaking in. At this time, the camera module is immediately triggered to take an intruder photo, and then the intruder's photo data is sent out or stored in the NANDFLASH chip. As shown in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5 infrared sensor I / O port interrupt subroutine flow chart

Figure 5 infrared sensor I / O port interrupt subroutine flow chart

5 Conclusion

The system combines single-chip technology, communication technology, network technology and computer technology to establish communication relationship through certain network equipment. It has high reliability and integrates software and hardware. It is automatic to be monitored by the equipment to be monitored. A system that accurately collects and transmits. The system has the advantages of low cost, practical convenience, friendly human-machine interface, etc., so as to meet the user's demand for home security.


[1]. GPRS datasheet http://
[2]. ARM7TDMI datasheet http://
[3]. LHi778 datasheet http://

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