Jiangxi non-ferrous geological survey team went to non-Botswana, Zimbabwe prospecting

On July 8, the Jiangxi Non-ferrous Geological Exploration Bureau held a farewell ceremony for the expedition of exploration teams in Botswana and Zimbabwe.

The Botswana Geological Project is located in the Francistown area of ​​the northeastern part of the country and is primarily looking for ductile shear zone gold deposits. The exploration work in the mining area is divided into two levels. The first level is to carry out geochemical exploration surveys for the two mining areas, using 1:25000 soil geochemical surveys, 1:10000 soil geochemistry measurements, and 1:10000 high-precision magnetic methods to measure geophysical methods. Physical and geochemical exploration anomalies were evaluated, and the prospecting targets were delineated, the scope of geological work was narrowed, and the key prospecting areas were determined. The second level uses the geological mapping method in the anomaly area and the surrounding area to find a favorable prospecting area, uses trenching and drilling engineering to expose the anomaly and the mineralized body, and makes a preliminary assessment of its prospecting prospects. It is expected that the field work time For 5 months. The geological prospecting project in Zimbabwe is located in the Del Biels area of ​​the central province of the country and the Rufeussian school area. It belongs to the chromite deposit survey and covers an area of ​​5.66 square kilometers and 6.95 square kilometers respectively. The project plans to work in the field for 7 to 8 months. .

These projects are undertaken by the Bureau's geological and mineral exploration and development institute, the non-ferrous company, and the three teams of non-ferrous geological exploration. At the end of this month, there will also be two teams and about 50 people going to Greenland and Cameroon for prospecting.

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