Problems in the domestic application of soil source heat pump

[Abstract] Due to the differences in economic development and climatic and geographical conditions, there are still many technical problems to be solved in the promotion of ground-source heat pump technology in China. After more than ten years of research, some achievements have been made by domestic researchers, but on the whole, the research of ground source heat pump in China is still at a low level. And summed up the reasons for two aspects. Keywords: ground source heat pump engineering application research Due to the different levels of economic development and climate and geographical differences in soil source heat pump technology in the promotion of the country there are many technical issues to be solved. After more than ten years of research, some achievements have been made by domestic researchers, but on the whole, the research of ground source heat pump in China is still at a low level. Although theoretically speaking, our research is based on the "shoulders of others", it should have obvious "backward advantage" but it is not. To sum up, there are two reasons: a) The lack of practical engineering application of ground-source heat pump in our country is not as good as expected, the main reason is the lack of practical engineering applications in our country only A case of closed system or foreign engineers design. Even so, the effect of this only practical project has not been unanimously approved by the domestic industry. Open systems are used in some provinces in the north of our country, but the open systems have problems of undermining groundwater resources and so on, making it difficult to have good application prospects. Designers and owners do not have enough enthusiasm to use ground source heat pump - there is no practical application of demand, making such a more mature technology in foreign countries still appears to be "very advanced" in China, only universities and research institutes as an application Research programs and ideas, it is difficult to form a large-scale research and industrialization of the environment. Without the participation of enterprises, the funds invested in research are more stretched and can not really produce research results of practical significance. b) The research is out of step with the actual engineering application Through the contact with many people who have participated in the research project of soil source heat pump, from the understanding of the situation, repeated research is more serious. By collecting and reading foreign public reports of almost all related ground-source heat pumps and comparing them with those of the National Natural Science Foundation of China ("GSHP") and other related topics and other research topics conducted domestically, we found that domestic ground-source heat pumps Related topics less theoretical innovation. On the other hand, domestic research, due to lack of proper communication, has many similarities in contents, including the repeated construction of test benches, resulting in the waste of resources and the devaluation of research results. Moreover, since most of the topics are basically in the laboratory research stage, there is no value for engineering application and promotion. The practicality of the results developed under such conditions is hardly recognized by the business community and the owners. The majority of researchers in our country should carry out research on related basic theories and practical applications in a more pragmatic spirit of science and cooperation. Although the current research on the ground-source heat pump in China is worrisome, the application prospect of the ground-source heat pump is still very good. Many large foreign companies and conglomerates, including government agencies, are hoping to promote the technologies and products of ground-source heat pumps in China. In June 2000, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and China's State Science and Technology Commission jointly held a product promotion conference for ground-source heat pumps in Beijing. This is an exciting signal and a good start. I believe that after China's accession to the WTO, ground-source heat pump technology can have greater application in China and is accepted by the public.

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